About Us
We are a web design and computer repair business located in Vancouver Washington. We provide technical solutions for home and small businesses. That includes computer repair and web design service.
With years of technical experience under our belt, we hope to help grow our local economy by providing small businesses with affordable technical solutions to help them become profitable. As a small business, we understand the needs of small businesses when it comes to web design service and computer support. We work with the purpose of providing solutions that will benefit and boost our local economy.
For example, if your business depends on your computer, you really can’t afford to have slow computer repair service. We don’t need to tell you how time lost could affect your business or create upsets with clients due to missed deadlines. What we can tell you is that we will work as fast and as thorough as possible to get you back in the game. A happy client means more business and growth, which is what we hope to bring to the table.
If we can’t help you we won’t waste your time. We will refer you to someone who can, that way you can get the show on the road as soon as possible.